Sunday, July 20, 2014

Ogunquit on the Fourth

Usually on July 4th, we take the train into Boston proper and wander around until we see something patriotic.  Then we go home and wish we had central air.  Not this year!  This year we took ourselves to Ogunquit, Maine.  Mark had heard good things and it did not disappoint.

We weren't sure what one did in Ogunquit.  This family turns out to mostly stroll the beach and eat hot dogs.  So shocking.

Lots and lots of pictures follow.  Remember, I never claimed to be a good editor.

So not so many beach pictures of Frances.  She was too busy digging these worms with legs out of the sand with some very enthusiastic little boy.  Very foul little creatures (the worms, not the children); we'll call it a nature lesson, though the worms died as soon as they met the air/children.

When it started raining, we left the beach for hot dogs and the Marginal Way, a path along the coast.

Look at Frances, being all demure.

What a crock.

And here she is bossing her sister around.

That's more like it.

When the troops started to get worn out, we got back in the car and wandered around town.  Ogunquit turns out to be a really lovely tourist trap.  I have never seen so many restaurants.  But it still managed to be very pleasant, even in the middle of a tropical storm serious enough to postpone many fireworks displays.  Sweet New England, indeed.

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