Saturday, April 12, 2014


After a freezing winter of Polar Vortexes, we were finally rewarded with the first day of Spring.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Frances and I did our annual seed planting, this year joined by Kealakai.

The girls started out by painting their pots.  Paint is supposed to be very good for seedlings, I hear. 

 (Yes, Frances is wearing her scarf inside on this first day of Spring.  We live in Boston, after all.)

Thick as thieves, these two.

Once the pots were nicely decorated, it was time to spread around some dirt.

After sprinkling in copious amounts of basil seeds, the girls watered their dirt.

Mom then did some hasty vacuuming while the big girls galumphed around and the littlest girl ate dirt off the ground.  More dirt than usual.

Then we waited for the annual miracle of seedlings.  Such joy to my heart.  I have never cared about the first day of Spring like I have since moving to Boston and having kids.  Frances even seemed to remember that this is our annual ritual.  Such joy!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Dancin' Machine

This winter, we entered the world of Kids' Saturday Morning Classes with a ballet class for Frances.  We liked having one day a week completely unscheduled (church and Sunday school clutter up Sunday), but we thought Frances might really enjoy ballet and I'd heard good things about this dance program.  I use the words "dance program" loosely.  The first class in particular more closely resembled herding cats.  One little girl spent most of the "class" standing in front of the mirrors yelling, "I have legs!"  I laughed 'til I cried, but wasn't favorably impressed.

Gradually, the kinks were ironed out; a vague sense of order was established.  I think for Frances, it is mostly an excuse to dress in pink.  But I like to think it's a good way for her to enjoy using her long, skinny self.  There's lots of prancing around.

There's a little barre work.  Picture a barre class at the New York City Ballet.  This is not that.  Every time the barre is brought out, the girls are reminded not to put their faces on the barre.  Frances's little friend Kealakai is to her right.  Keala is a big plus for the class.

Frances is demonstrating a classic ballet move called la nouille humide, or the wet noodle.

I think the props are the most fun.  Lots of scarves and streamers and hula hoops.

Maybe the best part for Frances?  At the end of every class they get a really high class stamp on their hands.   Big excitement.

Ah, well.  Frances enjoys it.  And Keala's mother, who knows more about dancing than I do, says Frances has really developed some poise over the course of the class.  So we'll keep it up, though Frances did tell me this morning that she wants a Freisian and I'm not sure if the ballerina and equestrian musculature are compatible.   She said good ol' dad could build a "wooden" (I think she meant "barn").  Mark, get out your hammer!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Fifty-Two Months of Preschooler Frances

Fifty-Two Months Fun Facts
  • Reading:  Frances is just starting to pay attention to the first letter of a word and using that letter to figure out what a word could be.  Her brain is really working on puzzling this stuff out.  I'm so proud of her.  And she has become interested in the Magic Treehouse Series and can read "Jack," one of the main characters.
  • Writing:  Frances can write "Frances"!  She needs some visual cues and her "n"s are rotated 90 degrees, but she's getting it.  I think there's still a bit of a disconnect between what she sees and what she can make her hand do, just as there's a disconnect for me between hearing a word in a foreign language and speaking that word, but she's getting it.
  • Arithmetic: Not so much.  But I'm sure it will come, too.  I suppose I could start playing "fun" math games with her.  I'd rather go searching for unicorns, as long as we're making stuff up.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Thirteen Months of Toddler Chandler

There were four in the bed and the little one said...

Thirteen Months Fun Facts

  • Language:  Not really.  But I'm not concerned about her hearing.  She gets all excited when a siren wails or a dog barks.  Chandler will get it eventually.  In the meantime, Frances is relearning all sorts of signs.
  • Teeth:  Not really.  She still has the two bottoms, of course, and the two tops are further in than they were last month.  This kid's teeth have glacial timing.
  • Obsessions: Pacis, naturally, and Merlin, the stuffed black Lab.  He's the black fluff in the first and second pictures.
  • Firsts:  We bought her a pair of outdoor shoes (not just baby slippers) so we'll be ready for playgrounds when the weather improves.  Come on, weather!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Second Children

I had a grandmother who really preferred first-born kids.  She would freely admit it to me, a first-born.   Now that I have kids, I have to say, "What a nut!"  Second-born kids put themselves to bed!


Or at least they try.

Neglected?  Self-reliant?  Who am I to judge?

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

One looong week

Poor Frances.  During Frances's February school vacation week, Chandler had a high fever (over 104 degrees at one point) and was a Class A Fussopotamus.  No one was sleeping very much and mom was more than a little strung out.  Frances really was a trooper, sitting quietly through several phone calls to the doctors and an office visit.

The only place both kids were happy was in the bath tub.  Even Rody got in on the act.  It was the first bath Rody's had in three years, so he probably liked it too.

A blessed smile.

I suppose bathing a healthy kid and sick kid together is of questionable merit, but I figured Frances really couldn't be any more exposed to Chandler than she already was.  The doctor wasn't sure what was wrong with her, but between Auntie Jocelyn and Dr. Internet and a rash that eventually emerged, I decided it was roseola.  Not the worst, but I still don't recommend it.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Her Wish...

Frances wanted a gold dress, so Mimi provided a gold dress.

Because God forbid Miss Frances shouldn't have her heart's every desire.

Luckily, the dress came in very handy for our church's Purim celebration. (We're appreciating our Jewish heritage?  Bonding with our Jewish brethren?  It is not clear to me.)  She went as a Golden Princess, clearly.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to You!

 The Saturday after Chandler's actual birthday, we had a couple families over for lunch to celebrate the kiddo herself.  And here she is, in all her overall-ed glory:

I love those overalls.  Love, love, love.

We had chili, pizza and chocolate cake, because what one year old doesn't need an up close and personal experience with chocolate cake?

Pizza, yum.

These people may look familiar.  They all came to Frances's birthday a few months back.  Starting with Michele, the adult, and going clockwise, we have Theo, Darby, Frances and Sophia.

Chandler, parked in a corner, because it's only her birthday.

Ah, this is more like it.  Adler built a road for Chandler.  Adler likes Chandler.  He's in most of our pictures from the day because he stuck close to Chandler.  Good ol' Adler.  He thinks Chandler is a boy, but still...

And here's Adler helping blow out the candle!

And Chandler helping herself to the chocolate on the end of the extinguished candle.

Chandler, welcome to Chocolate.  It's a beautiful place.

Adler helped her get started.

And then she gave it a go herself.

Oh, who needs a fork?!

She liked it, I think.

Have you ever seen a more satisfying kid?  She knew exactly what she was supposed to do with her first piece of cake.

After a quick change, the big kids helped Chandler open presents.

And then the big kids had a great time throwing wrapping paper around while Chandler spectated.

After, a fun round of "Who Can Pick Up the Most Wrapping Paper,"  we called it a day.  Except for Chandler.  She stayed up for the next nine hours.  Her normal awake period is three hours.  I don't usually pay attention to sugar and caffeine for my kids, (I've just never seen any evidence that they are affected by them) but one giant piece of chocolate cake may have been a bit much for this one year old.

Such a successful first birthday party!  I wish you all could have been there.