Monday, April 25, 2016

Seventy-Six Months of Kindergartener Frances

Another month, another trip to the Museum of Science.

Seventy-Six Months Fun Facts

  • The Scholar:  Frances, dear, has memorized Charlotte's lullaby for Wilbur.  To refresh your memory:
Sleep, sleep, my love, my only,
Deep, deep, in the dung and the dark;
Be not afraid and be not lonely!
This is the hour when frogs and thrushes
Praise the world from the woods and the rushes.
Rest from care, my one and only,
Deep in the dung and the dark!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Thirty-Seven Months of Preschooler Chandler

The umbrella was to keep the rain off.

Thirty-Seven Months Fun Fact

  • The Scholar:  Chandler has listened to an audiobook of Tiki Tiki Tembo, by Arlene Mosel, many, many times.  She now has Tiki Tiki's name memorized - Tiki Tiki Tembo-no Sa Rembo-chari Bari Ruchi-pip Peri Pembo.  I'm sure the story is offensive to someone - maybe many someones - but the boy's name is fun to say.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Shrove Tuesday!

I love pancakes.  I love the word "shrove."  I love Shrove Tuesday.

The kids don't mind it either.  Pancakes for dinner!

And some Magnatiles.  Those are good, too.  I'm sure Christ would approve of Magnatiles and pancakes and eating dinner naked to keep syrup off your clothes.
