Just your average Christmas around these parts.
First, we did the usual Christmas morning stuff - opened presents, set the oven on fire, threw away an eighteen pound turkey - and then our guests, the Linfoots and the Ishikawas came over.
The kids - Adler, Akea, Keala, Frances, Darby and Chandler (Peanut's whereabouts unknown) - decorated a gingerbread house...
...and then destroyed/ate it.
Then Rachel taught the kids to spin the dreidel and handed out presents.
Then we lit the menorah.
Then the kids opened Christmas crackers, or tried to open Christmas crackers.
I guess the crackers were hard to open, but the kids eventually prevailed. Note the crowns and the heap load of cuteness.
And then we celebrated Peanut's third birthday.
Yep, just your average Christmas. I wouldn't want it any other way.