Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two Months of Baby Chandler

And Chandler slept in her sling...

Two Month Fun Facts

  • The Daily Grind:  Chandler is in flux.  She no longer sleeps all the time, but she doesn't have a daytime schedule yet either.  Luckily, she will eat and sleep wherever she happens to be.  Very convenient.
  • Likes and dislikes:  She likes her pacifier.  She dislikes the car, I think because her pacifier falls out.  Or maybe because it reminds her of that first car ride, and she didn't enjoy it as much as we did.
  • Greatest aspiration: Socializing with whom or whatever happens to be about.  Let me explain.  When she started smiling at and talking to me I thought what every mother thinks, "Oh, it makes her happy to see me" and, by extension, "She loves me in her two month old way."  Then I repeatedly found her smiling and talking to nothing in particular.  The legs of her swing were enough to get her going.  So much for love.
  • Stats:  At her two month doctor's appointment, she weighed in at ten pounds, eight ounces.  Technically, this puts her well under the fiftieth percentile, but she feels mammoth to me.  I have to check the fat rolls around her neck for crumbs from my breakfast toast, so we must be doing something right.  Savory stuff, this parenting. 


  1. All those second babies are just happy to be...don't take it personally! She loves you more than anyone else in the whole entire world (sorry, Mark, you'll have to take super duper close 2nds).
