Monday, April 29, 2013

Drumlin Farm Revisit

The last time we visited Drumlin Farm was a bit of a disaster (we went to learn about syrup, but Frances had a break down right before we reached the syrup display), but we have a new membership to the Massachusetts Audubon Society that I am determined to use, so I dragged the kids out to the farm again.

It's the prettiest farm I've ever seen and it has baby goats and sheep.  What's not to love?

Frances was much more interested in the tractor steering wheel than in the baby animals.  I do not understand.

In the chicken barn, Frances gathered wooden eggs from stuffed animal chickens then sorted the eggs by size, while I learned that eggs at the grocery store may have been laid weeks and weeks ago.  We were both intrigued but not in the same way.

And Chandler hung out in her stroller.

On our way out, Frances asked if we could go to the honey display.  She meant the syrup display that we hadn't been able to see weeks earlier because she'd been having a fit.  I considered beating my head against a wall but decided it wouldn't enhance the drive home.


  1. you must be so sick of good old mom's comments, but here's another!

    this whole sequence is just so wonderful.....I will read it over and over again. the "my sister just popped out" was so predictable I had to laugh. Luckily she didn't give any other details!

    funny, funny, funny. does Mark read these?


    1. Mimi,

      I live for comments, no worries there.

      Mark does read them. I know he loves looking at pictures of the kids. Sometimes I think he's checking that I haven't posted anything too embarrassing.
