Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Eve

For an egg decorating experience this year, we decided to go to an open house event at the Eliot School, a local institution that offers classes in sewing, drawing, woodworking, what have you.  I love this place and the open house was a great community event.

Frances seemed to enjoy herself, though I'm not sure she understood exactly why we were decorating eggs. I tried to explain egg hunts, but they just don't make a lot of sense.  "First we hide eggs.  Then we find them.  Doesn't that sound fun?"  I could have explained that eggs are a symbol of rebirth, but I didn't think that would help matters.

And Chandler slept.

Then the parents made a miscalculation.  The plan was to follow up the egg decorating with an egg hunt at a historical home down the street from the Eliot School.  Mark and I knew the egg hunt was supposed to last two hours and that each kid was only allowed five eggs.  From this, we deduced we had time to go to lunch and then return to the egg hunt so Frances could find her five eggs.  We were wrong.  By the time we got back to the egg hunt, all the eggs were long gone.  We wandered around forlornly until Frances found some discarded plastic eggs that had already been ransacked for their candy.  Frances didn't know the difference because I had never mentioned candy. She got all excited, exclaiming "We found some eggs!"  and Mark and I just went with it.  Lessons:1) Egg hunting is a competitive sport, so show up on time.  2) Keep expectations low and the three year-old won't know the difference.

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