Thursday, April 11, 2013

Eight Weeks


  1. Look at those eyes! Huge and so expressive. Aren't second babies fun?!

    You have no idea how funny you are, do you? It's just that turn of a phrase........clever kid!

    I love the pictures of Frances doing her favorite thing......running! What glory on her face. Remember when she would run around and around and around the library play area?

    Thanks heavens the sleeping routine would have driven anyone nuts!! I wonder if Chandler has been a good foil in one way or the other. Couldn't compete with a 2 month old, but maybe it makes her see how grown up she can be?

    Tell me your coming to Maine with us in September!!!!!!!! You're supposed to answer emails!!!!!!! The Harwoods are going to be there Sept 4-8; late on the 4th and leaving early on the 8th. I'll help with the babies....certainly Chandler will allow me to hold her while you play with Ms Upton?!


  2. Mimi, I don't think you're supposed to say this much in comments.

    Morgan, you are simply hilarious.

    Chandler, I think I know that outfit. I believe 3 big cousins (maybe even 4 or 5 including a big sis) wore it.

  3. She already looks like a Hayward girl!
