Sunday, May 28, 2017

Little Person is Going to School!

Chandler got a seat at Frances's school for K1 (free preschool)!  So she needed a backpack, of course.

We didn't realize how huge the backpack was until we got it home and compared it to Frances's.  It's very huge.  Ah, well, Frances hasn't protested and Chandler will grow into it.  Eventually.

School will be...interesting.  We tried and failed once again to get into our dream school.  I believe this is our third attempt.  Knowing us, we will try again next year.  But Frances's school works very hard to get everyone learning and we've met very nice people there, so that part will be fine.  I really don't know how Chandler will do.  I know eventually she'll be happy, but the change from full-time home to full-time school worries me.  She gets overwhelmed in crowds, and school is all about crowds.  I'm working on projecting calm confidence about it all.  So far, so good.


  1. love the shoes!
    love the little person!

    1. We'll see how you feel at the end of July. I'll stock the house with gin. Any other requests?

    2. I don't think daddy is planning on teaming up....probably won't be there until the day you return.
      so, only a little gin and one box white!
