Monday, March 11, 2013

The Girls and Their Hayward Grandparents

My mom came and did her usual stint of sanity bolstering for three weeks after Chandler was born.  Thank you, Mimi!  Sometimes that was as easy as sitting around with a newborn, but usually not.

Then my dad came to visit and meet the latest edition (Chandler brings their grandchild count to seven.  That's a lot of birthdays to remember.)

Dad, also known as Grandfather Sir, tried to take a nap with both girls around.

To napping, Frances says,


(That's flour on her nose from making sugar cookies.  Frances and her father have been making sugar cookies almost every day, and then eating the batch of cookies.  We will get her BMI above 4, we will!)

1 comment:

  1. why do you think there are random words underlined and printed in blue?

    you haven't done it have you?
