Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mimi and Sir and George

These folks...

...and this kiddo...

...and this kiddo...

(and Mark and I but we're pretty good at avoiding the camera) took the ferry out to George's Island for a morning visit during Mimi and Sir's return trip to Arkansas.  Such a fun trip - it's easy and cheap, yet feels a little exotic because it involves a boat.  And there's lots of space for exploring once on the island.

Frances tried to keep up with Mimi and Sir's historical tour of the island, but we quickly decided unguided exploring was more our speed.

Poor Frances managed to get hurt five times on the island (one ouchy moment involved a swinging camera and her forehead, but her knees saw most of the action).  A yummy, simple blueberry galette was just the thing to ease her wounds, though, come to think of it, her parents and grandparents kept it all to themselves.

Oh, well, I'm sure she wouldn't have liked it anyway.

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