Ninety-Six Months Fun Facts:
- What is your name? "Frances Elliott Upton!" (Then she did a cheerleader move.)
- How old are you? "Now? I'm eight years old. Next year I'm going to be nine. I can't believe it."
- Who do you live with? "Mommy, Daddy, my sister Chandler and then me."
- What is your favorite color? "I have a couple . My first is gold. My next is red. And my last actually is sea foam green."
- Who do you like to spend time with? "My friends at school. One is named Brisy, or Brisnelys."
- What do you like to do with your family? "I like going out to parties and, um, I also like to go to playgrounds with my family and ride my bike."
- Where do you like to go? "I like to go to jewelry shops and Build-A-Bear. Also, I like going to Jump On In. I like going to see Linda and Mimi and Sir and Grandma and Grandpa. Oh, and I like going to the movie theater and the Nutcracker. I like this place where my friend Darby brought me, this Chinese place?" [She's thinking of P. F. Chang's.]
- What makes you sad? "When my sister pinches me and hurts me. Also, sometimes when I see something I want at the store and Mommy and Daddy won't let me get it."
- What is your favorite toy? "My stuffed gorilla. I always sleep with him at night. I love him equally as well as everyone else but, um, he's the first one I can remember seeing when I was born. Not born, but right after I was born, a couple days or a couple weeks or a couple of months."
- What is your favorite fruit? "What's fruit? Strawberries. I love raspberries. They're so good. I like apples too, if they're not old apples. I especially like Honey Crisp. They're really, really good."
- What is your favorite TV show? "Harry Potter! The new series of Spirit and, oh, How to Train Your Dragon II."
- What is your favorite vegetable? "Watermelon? Is that a vegetable?"
- What is your favorite lunch? "Pastelitos. It's a Spanish word. I'm not exactly sure what it means, but it's a Spanish food with toasted bread and inside there can be just cheese or just ham or just meat or just chicken. I like the chicken ones. All the meat ones are really good."
- What are your favorite clothes? "I have a couple kinds. Um, my first is my striped p.j.s. I got them for Christmas. They're very comfortable. I'm wearing the bottoms right now. My other favorite of my clothes is a hand-me-down from my cousins and, um, so that's another thing I really like. And for another thing that I really, really like my Belle costume I wore for last year."
- What is your favorite game? "Harry Potter Clue! It's about Harry Potter and there's all these different cards. It's very hard to explain. You kinda need the board in front of you to explain."
- What is your favorite snack? "My favorite snack, let's see. Oooh, I know! My favorite snack is mint chocolate chip ice cream. [Maniacal giggle.] And I like chocolate sprinkles on top and if I can get my hands on some gummy bears. And snickerdoodle cookies."
- What is your favorite animal? "Horsie. Tigers are pretty too. I like tigers. Cats are pretty, or cute, or kittens. I really like horsies and tigers. You find really disgusting things about them that you really don't like. I was reading a book with my class. It said if a tiger has had too much to eat, or if they're full, they'll dig up a hole and bury their food and then they'll go mark their territory. They'll scratch or pee right there. Scratch the trees." [There was some acting that went with this description.]
- What is your favorite song? "Best Day of My Life."
- What is your favorite book? "Harry Potter! Um, so far I'm on the fourth. The fourth is pretty good so far. I like the first the best."
- Who is your best friend? "Brisnelys or I have a couple actually. Darby from preschool and Keala from preschool. Darby and Keala I've known since I was two years old."
- What is your favorite sport? "Soccer. I like soccer." [She has nothing whatsoever to do with soccer.]
- What is your favorite thing to do outside? "Play tag or also I like pretending I'm a horse or I like pretending if I have more people, I like pretending I'm a tiger pack. That's really fun."
- What is your favorite drink? "I'd say hot chocolate. Um, also, I really like apple juice. I think I like hot chocolate better though."
- What is your favorite holiday? "Christmas. I love opening presents. The presents!"
- What do you like to take to bed with you at night? "Stuffties! And a really thick blanket if it's really, really cold. Or stuffed animals."
- What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? "Plain pancakes. So no oatmeal inside of them."
- What is your favorite dinner? "Chicken, beef, um, bacon. Do you call bacon in the beef stage? [Clarification.] Ok, bacon."
- What do you want to be when you grow up? "Teacher, but my second grade teacher advises me not to. He advises me not too because it's so much work."
- What is your daddy's name? "Mark"
- What is your mommy's name? "Morgan"
- What is your sister's name? "Chandler"
- Where do you live? "186 Amory Street in the green house with the purple trimming."
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