Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Wake Up The Earth Festival

The annual "Eat, Drink and Be Merry Because It's Not Winter Anymore" festival happened again this past weekend (the hippie hosts like to pretend we're "waking up the Earth" but I don't think the Earth really needs help in that department).  Last year, Frances was a little under the weather for the event.  This year, she seemed to enjoy herself, even if she was fighting a cold.  With a little encouragement, she was willing to try out this drum/bucket.

Like last year, Mark is opposed to "hippie" festivals.  This is the look he gave me when I suggested that he dance with Frances to the great band.

But, really, how can a dad resist dancing with this kiddo?

That's Mark dancing.

"Listen to the rhythm.  Don't be scared."*

And Chandler slept in her Bjorn.

*Ten points to the first commenter who can identify the movie source of that line.  No fair Googling.


  1. Love the look on Frances face in the fourth picture. Looks like she is in a world of her own. Not a care in the world. Sissy is sleeping with her binky. (sp?) Very contented. We have beautiful grandkids I must say. :)

  2. Either my mom or my dad got the quote (Strictly Ballroom, of course), but he or she emailed it to me instead of putting the answer in a comment. I don't know whether to assume it was Mom, because she's seen the movie more, or to assume it was Dad, because when has Mom ever turned down the chance to comment?
