Thursday, May 30, 2013

Don't Tell Betty

Frances has been interested in finger nail and toe nail painting lately.  Not sure why.  She wanted to try it out the other day, but we didn't have any nail polish in the house - not such a surprise, really.  Frances made do with her Do-A-Dot paint pens and a semi-willing assistant.

Trying to be a good sport, the next day I bought Frances, my three year old, her first bottle of nail polish (that's the part I wouldn't share with Betty Friedan, or a living feminist).  Frances was thrilled, naturally, and ready to paint any nail in sight.  Even good ol' Mark came under Frances's brush.  I took pictures of his painted toe nails, but I think it would be detrimental to my marital health to post those pictures on the internet, so just imagine Mark with pink sparkly toes.  Betty might have liked that!

1 comment:

  1. James had me paint his toenails blue if that makes Uncle Mark feel better. When it wore off, he was very upset and insisted I do it again. He really wanted pink nail polish (we have lots of nail polish at our house, Betty be damned, although it seems to remained locked in our cupboards). I at least got him to do blue.
