Monday, November 7, 2016

Forty-One Months of Preschooler Chandler

Forty-One Months Fun Fact

  • Not squeamish:  She's not readily put off by slime, or general yuckiness, this kid.  The pink bucket in the pictures above had hundreds of snails in it, all making desperate attempts to ooze their way back to the ocean.  Completely fascinated.  Recently, I was taking a shower when I heard Chandler sneeze outside the shower curtain.  I said, "Oh, that was a big sneeze.  Do you need a tissue?"  The response, "No, I use your towel."  Great.  Another anecdote (stop reading now if you are squeamish):  The cat that lives downstairs loves to bring his owner dead rats.  We very frequently step outside to find dead rats on the doorstep.  Doesn't deter Chandler at all.  I have to explain repeatedly that we don't touch dead rats.  God forbid I tell her she can't play outside around the dead rats.  Why don't they explain this part to expectant parents?  "A little heads up: Some day you will have to repeatedly tell your kid not to play with dead, urban rats.  Stock up on sanity while you still have the chance."

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