The Linfoots came to visit! Darby Linfoot has been Frances's big buddy since, gosh, since they were three years old.
Frances, Chandler and Darby:
Now we're all buddies.
Chandler, Frances, Darby, Peanut, Cindy and Adler:
After a morning of mucking about, we took the Linfoots to Ship Harbor. Yes, we've done it a thousand times. Yes, it's wonderful every time.
Chandler and Peanut kind of adore each other. It's a little wonderful.
And then back to the house for dinner (thanks, Andy!) and s'mores with giant marshmallows.
As far as I can tell, Chandler spent the day in her bathing suit.
That night, almost all the kids shared a bedroom. My kids are usually very excited by the idea of sharing a bedroom with other kids, but when the time comes, they get nervous and end up in their usual beds. Not that night. Chandler was so tired from keeping up all day, she didn't have time to think twice. She was asleep before she had time to get worried about the night light or her water or her stuffties or....