Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Big K1!

We were very lucky to "win" the Boston public school K1 (pre-kindergarten) lottery; Frances got a spot at the William Monroe Trotter Innovation School.  It was not our first choice (or our second or third or...), but I talked to many Trotter parents who raved about it, so we decided to give it a try.  Plus, half of K1 applicants don't get a spot at all, so being ungrateful wasn't an option.

Here's the big girl, the morning of her first day of Boston public school:

The Trotter, like almost all Boston public schools, has a uniform style policy.  I understood this as blue on the bottom and white on the top, so Frances went to school as you see here.  When we got to school, I realized I had interpreted the policy a little too loosely.  We spent the next weekend tracking down more sedate, yet still comfortable, clothes.  No one seems to mind when Frances wears my loose interpretation of the dress code and then she occasionally fits in as well.  It's a balance.

School seems to be going well, on the whole.  After several weeks of school, I found out Frances was having trouble transitioning to specials, meaning she was weeping at the beginning of every computer, art, music, etc., class.  But, when I found out, I said something like, "It's hard being passed around to different teachers, isn't it?" and that was the last we've heard of weeping.  What a mystery kids are.  Now, she regularly reports that she loves her new school.  Thank goodness.  Sometime in the near future, we have Parent/Teacher Conferences and I will give another update.

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