NB: A good friend of mine (hi, Beka!) tells me the blog has been "sporadic and inadequate" of late. Mark made the huge mistake of agreeing with her, but suggested that more out-of-doors pictures would help.
Management sincerely apologizes (but not really) and hopes the following posting is up to everyone's demanding standards. Management would use more explicit (and appropriate) language, but management's mother-in-law (hi, Vicki!) reads the blog and management doesn't wish to offend.
Back to our regularly scheduled programming:
A couple Sundays ago, Mark - who is, of course, never sporadic or inadequate in planning weekend activities - suggested we visit the fountain in Christian Science Plaza. Sure, I thought, let's go visit a fountain. Frances, of course, arrived in her usual finery.
When we got there, Mark suggested to Frances that they go in the fountain. Not what I was thinking, but as long as Mark was doing the dirty work, who am I to protest? Frances has been increasingly modest, but when Dad offered to take her in the fountain, her finery came right off. And, really, why would running around a public fountain in underwear be a bad idea?
"Is this a good idea?"
"Who knows? Here we go!"
My complacency with this fun in the fountain idea quickly turned against me. Frances decided she wanted me to go in as well, leaving Mark to sit in the sun with Chandler.
Away we go.
It was cold. Really cold.
Whose (expletive deleted - hi, Vicki!) idea was this? Oh, yeah, it was Mark's idea, Mark who is now sitting in the sun.
Oh, well, anything for a good photo.
And Chandler sat in her stroller. Next year, kiddo, you can lead the charge while I sit in the sun.
Still think those Christian Scientists are a tad loopy (poor Jim Henson), but their fountain ain't half bad. Free, fun and easy - that's how I like my distractions. Next year, I'll bring towels and warm socks for the T ride home, then it will be perfect.
Management sincerely (but not really) hopes no one found this posting "sporadic and inadequate." If so, management sincerely (yes, really) suggests starting your own blog (hi, Beka!).