Monday, February 25, 2013

At the hospital

Mimi and Frances were able to join us at the hospital in the early afternoon.  They had the presence of mind to bring a real camera.  Frances seemed to take everything more or less in stride.

Chandler was born with stork bites on her left eye lid and above her lip.  She also had shockingly blood-shot eyes, a side effect of rapid delivery.  All temporary, of course.

Frances couldn't wait to get her hands on Chandler.

All smiles!  Frances seems remarkably unscathed by hearing much more of her sister's delivery than we intended.  Fingers crossed that doesn't change.


  1. So cute! I hope they are still getting along!

  2. These are great pictures!

    The one of you and Frances is the best.....such an open, loving little face.
