Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thirty-Nine Months of Preschooler Frances

I read recently in the New York Times that mommy bloggers shouldn't brag.  I'm about to offend the New York Times.

Thirty-Nine Month Fun Facts

  • Frances Firsts:  Frances has had an incredible month of firsts.  First trip to the dentist, first blood draw, first time on a climbing wall.  She has mastered them all.  But the best first was at the pool the other day.  Her dad took her swimming and soon had her comfortably getting herself around with only a life jacket on.  Up until now, she's wanted a parent touching her at all times, but she really struck out on her own.  She somehow combined treading water and a dog paddle and was quite able to propel herself.  I was flabbergasted and so proud.  Brag, brag, brag.  And then she became a big sister for the first time.
  • Frances, the Wall Flower?:  Mark, Frances and I were driving somewhere together recently.  I turned around to find Frances wiggling her eyebrows like mad.  When I asked what she was doing, she happily explained that wiggling her eyebrows was how she danced when restrained by the car seat.  Alrighty, kiddo.


  1. Looks like Frances holding Frances. :) She is so cute!

  2. Frances is such a beautiful child! What about more pictures of Chandler?!
