Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Going On A Bear Hunt

We hiked to this view...

...and did this:

(That's a mess of people having snacks.)

I was soooo pleased with myself.  I'd come up with this idea of inviting a bunch of people to go on a hike together.  I thought it would be a great way to see people without requiring anyone to clean their homes.  I invited seven families - seven! - people from Frances's old school, her new school, the gym, the playground.  What did I get?  One and a half families, very much the usual suspects (Darby's family, Keala and Akea).

It was still great.

This is Chandler, thinking it was great.

These are the big boys with their sketch books.  I got so excited when they pulled out their books.  I thought maybe they were going to draw the nature around us.  I am so naive.  They drew something like aircraft carriers.  I'm not sure when I'll get used to boys.

This boy has stolen my heart.

It's Peanut.  He's adorable.  I will weep when he starts drawing aircraft carriers.

And here's Mark silently having a heart attack whilst praying those girls don't fall backwards off the wall.

They had no fear.  But Mark did eventually make them get down.

Then there was some ring-around-the-rosies.

It ended up being a really nice day.

I'm going to go put organizing another hike on my list of things to organize.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Twenty-Seven Months of Toddler Chandler

Please excuse the blurriness.  The camera and I weren't getting along.

Twenty-Seven Month Fun Facts:

  • Chandler, the Hiker:  Chandler is a great hiker; she can keep going for impressive distances, but don't ask her to do it quickly.  She will gladly go anywhere with you as long as she can do it at her own slow speed.
  • Language:  Her language skills really started picking up about a month ago.  Some recent additions to her repertoire: Diet Coke; "issue" for tissue (it was a long winter); "geen" and blue though it's unclear if she actually knows these colors; chunks of the alphabet song, sung in rhyme; "bahr" for bear; "guhgu" for whatever she needs it to mean; hug; dirt; purple; Elmo; big; "anya" for another one; spoon; home; come; too; chair; blueberry; band aid; play; oopsie daisy; oatmeal; bumblebee; ant; and fly as a verb.  A typical sentence: "Beep-go on my side," which means "There's a car on my side of the car."
  • Physical development:  She did a Montessori coat flip for the first time on April 26, 2015.  I nearly cried with pride.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sixty-Six Months of Preschooler Frances

I'm going to have to break the rules a bit this month.  I did take pictures of the girls on their month birthdays, but they were terribly unfocused.  I'm going to make do with some photos from later in the month.  I'd taken the girls hiking and they did a great job.

Sixty-Six Fun Fact

  • Frances, the Hiker:  Frances has bursts of enthusiasm for hiking, almost too much enthusiasm, in fact.  She'll take off exploring and before I know it, she's been gone for five minutes and I start to panic a bit about how I'm going to find her if she's not where she's supposed to be.   I've consulted other hiking families for strategies.  One suggestion was to have Frances and I both where whistles.  In theory, if I go too long without a sighting, I blow on my whistle and Frances stops.  Luckily, we haven't had to put the theory to the test.  Here's hoping we never do.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

It's That Time Again!

That's right!  It's Wake Up The Earth time!  It's safe to say I've never been so happy for the Wake Up the Earth Festival, even if I started the day in a winter jacket.  Chandler came armed with bonnet, fleece and book, because you never know when you might need to read.

Little #1 needed a rainbow, so...

Little #2 needed a rainbow, too.

Then we lost Little #2 for a bit.  But for some reason she let a Complete Stranger pick her up and return her to us.  The Complete Stranger must have had some very good vibes. Thank you, thank you, Complete Stranger.

And then Mark and I felt like crappy parents.  Moving on...

A huge plus of living in Jamaica Plain is that friends are never far.  We bumped into a couple Montessori friends who get along swimmingly with the girls.

Plus, these friends like books.  A big plus.

The girls clearly needed ice cream.  Yes, I'd had my winter jacket on that morning, but the snow was gone, and surely ice cream was in order.

After wandering around a bit, it seemed time to call it a day.  But we had to pass a band on our way out of the park.  Well, that was that.  We had to dance.

Spring is so good.