Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Grandparents are here!

Mark's parents came to visit, but we kinda failed in the photo department.  Not sure how that happened, but I can report at least some of what we did.  

We hung out at the playground, but we didn't take any photos.

We drove to Plymouth to see Plymouth Rock.  Plymouth was lovely, I would move there in a heartbeat, but we didn't take any photos of the town.

This here is Plymouth Rock:

It's impossible to see in the picture, but "1620" is carved into the rock.  Chandler was so overwhelmed with excitement, she took a nap.

Grandma and Grandpa brought fairy wings for Frances.  They were a big hit.  She wore them everywhere.  We did get a photo of them.

We also saw the National Monument to the Forefathers in Plymouth.  A big photogenic monument, except we didn't take any photos of it.

We went to Newburyport and Plum Island.  Newburyport is arguably lovelier than Plymouth, we have considered moving there, but we didn't take any photos of it.

We did get a few pictures on the beach on Plum Island.

Chandler and I stayed in the car for Plum Island, so I don't even have one of my classic "And Chandler slept" photos.   

Most of the gang also spent a day driving around Boston and Harvard Square.  Photos?  Of course not.  Whoever saw anything photogenic in Boston or Harvard Square?

Please come again, Grandma and Grandpa.  We can not take photos all over again.

1 comment:

  1. We enjoyed our visit. :) You took very good care of us while we were there. Glad you posted pictures. People at church wanted to know if we brought pictures and I had to say no. But now I do. :) I loved Plymouth. I came home and went on the internet and found a place to live. Grandpa about went into shock but I would live there in a heart beat.
