Monday, June 26, 2017

Ice Creams III and IV

In this first one, the girls and I were attending a meet and greet at the girls' art camp.  

I'm hoping building the association with ice cream makes drop off at camp that much easier.  We'll see.

Then, for Ice Cream Occasion Part IV, we were right in JP.  Frances had been trying to ride her bike.  Many tears.  Then we fed her ice cream and we were back in roses.

Chandler looks overly serious for a girl with ice cream.  No theories on that.

Think how much ice cream we'll eat when jackets are no longer necessary?!

Monday, June 5, 2017

One More Field Trip

Chandler and I joined Frances's class for one more field trip.  But first Chandler had to fill some glasses with water, in case we got "firsty."  (In all honesty, she's been entertaining herself with pouring water ever since this photo was taken.  As long as I overlook the occasional flood, it's wonderfully self-sufficient of her.)

And then we met up with Frances's class at the Arboretum.  It is so very beautiful there.  The Arboretum staff did a great job breaking up the class into small groups and leading them through observation activities.  Some of the kids were more observant than others, it's true, but I think they all got something out of it.  Then we ate lunch and the kids spent the last half hour running up and down this big hill.  Chandler is the white t-shirt in the middle of the picture.

I'd say it was a huge success and by far the easiest field trip of the year.  I wish they could go once a season.  I'm just a fount of ideas BPS will never have the money to implement.

Friday, June 2, 2017

We Live in the Best State

After buying our new (to us) car, we headed north for about an hour, and landed at the Crane Estate.  Really, I should have taken a picture of the house for context, but I was much more pleased with the back yard.

In this first picture, the house is behind me, three hills roll out in front of me and that's the ocean in the distance.  The small blue smudge in the middle is Frances, for a sense of scale.

Everyone was happy.  I think Mark has wanted to visit the estate for a while, but we usually just visit the beach down below the house.  The Olmstead Brothers designed the grounds.  They were Not At All Bad.

This is the casino, between hill one and hill two.  The hills and valleys are so high and deep that the casino isn't visible from the house (at least not from the back porch where we were; I'm guessing a hint of the casino is visible from the upper floors).  

Frances on the left; Chandler on the right.

Looking out at the ocean.

A little bi-plane was doing aerial stunts for us while we walked to the ocean.  That was...thrilling.  No one I know and/or love is allowed on a bi-plane ever, ok?

The estate has four miles of hiking trails, so we meandered.  Frances and Chandler are the teeny, tiny blue spots in the middle of the photo.

Then we found the beach and...

...the clothes started to come off.

I had to stop taking photos at this point.

When Chandler was good and soaked, we loaded the kids back in the car and headed for Russell Orchards.  Mark and I bought ourselves a little picnic dinner.  And the girls had apple cider donuts and ice cream for dinner.  We were shivering with cold by then, because it's May in Massachusetts, but still you could do so much worse.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Good-bye, Old Friend

We said farewell to our car this weekend.   It cost us more in maintenance last year than it was worth in resale, so clearly it was time.

Still, this was very hard for me for several reasons.  One, I hate spending money.  Two, we couldn't find a manual to buy, so we had to buy an automatic.  This is way more painful to me than it should be, but there it is.  And, three, Chandler was born in that car.  It is where I felt like the rockstar of birth.  Big sigh.

Since the car had to go, I had to be content with a photo with Chandler in the car.  She had no idea why I needed that photo, but she will understand someday.  And then Frances needed to participate.

Good-bye, Accord, you were a trooper.