Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sick Day

Mark got half way to work one day, realized he was very ill, and came home to heal.  I documented.

Silly Mark.  When will he learn?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Guess who?

Can you guess what this is?



Wanna see it again?

The big reveal, and... she is again!

Wait, wait, wait!  Wanna see it again?

Who's it going to be this time?

Oh, my gosh!  It's Chandler!

And again, and again, and again.  Every meal.  I think she figured this game out all by herself and I think she's a genius.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Fifty Months of Preschooler Frances

Ah, yes, torturing sister.

 Such fun!

Fifty Months Fun Facts (but really just misunderstandings/mispronunciations):

  • Frances loves galloping right now (my apologies to the downstairs neighbor), but she pronounces it "ga-llupping," so we are forever being told, "Look at my ga-lluping."  We smile and nod.
  • She's got "injury" and "energy" confused, so she'll often "ga-llup" to get her "injury out."
  • She was singing a song about a badger on her knee.  It took me a bit, but I eventually realized she was singing "Oh, Suzanna, don't you cry for me, for I've gone to Alabama with a banjo on my knee."

Friday, February 7, 2014

Forty-Eight Weeks

Because reclining in the tub and letting mom calmly bathe you is for forty-seven week olds.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Eleven Months of Baby Chandler

Here's Chandler, eating spaghetti with the help of her sock, which she helpfully pulled off mid-meal.

Eleven Months Fun Facts

  • Mobility:  Stands independently, for whole seconds at a time.  I start every day thinking, "Today's the day she walks," and go to bed being wrong every night.
  • Sleeping: Still good!  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • Teeth: Two teeth!!  My completely irrational belief that they'd all come in at once, once they came, has proved unfounded.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • Obsession: Whenever it gets quiet around here, I can always find Chandler fishing her pacifiers out of her crib.  She loves those things, and I've got to get more consistent about hiding them during the day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Forty-Seven Weeks

Helping with the dishwasher.

Busy little creature, isn't she?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Boredom is the mother of invention

This is a boat, of course.

Chandler may have a promising career as a figurehead, though I've never seen a figurehead in tie-dye.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy New Year's!

New Year's eve wasn't too rambunctious around here - surprising, I know - so not much to report there.  New Year's day was very, very cold, but I'd heard about some ice sculptures around Boston and I was determined to go see them.  Mark lovingly obliged.

We did find the sculptures, but there were so many people around them that we couldn't get close enough for good pictures.  The real highlight of the day ended up being "skating" across the pond in the Boston Public Garden.  I thought this pond was drained every winter, but there it was, big as day and very frozen.  Frances and I had a great time, while Chandler huddled against me for warmth.  If you squint, you may be able to make out Frances's baby doll.  She insisted on having her baby strapped to her, just like Chandler was strapped to me.

When we just couldn't take the cold anymore, we sought refuge (and lunch) at a P. F. Chang's.  

Mark and I had to chuckle at this because it reminded us of the time we visited Mt. Desert Island in January and couldn't find anywhere to eat lunch except a Chinese place in Bar Harbor.  I guess Mark and I have an affinity for eating Chinese in freezing weather.

I'm fairly sure we spent the rest of the day trying to chase the chill from our bones.