As part of our campaign to get Frances out of the house and run her ragged, Mark and I took her to the Franklin Park Zoo's Zoo Howl. We thought it was trick-or-treating set at a zoo. We were right in the letter but not in the spirit, but I'll get to that.
Here's Frances all dressed up for Halloween at the gorilla display. What costume, you say? She was supposed to be a runner, but was not interested in wearing her headband or running bib, so this is what we got.
Not sure what she's doing with her leg there.
One of the benefits of having Mark Upton for a dad: you get a bird's eye view of everything.
Frances pointing out the lion:
This is Frances's favorite activity at the zoo: sit in the big box while not looking at animals. Frances's mom liked this activity a lot more before she grew a huge belly.
After several hours at the zoo, we headed for home. See that pink and white dot at the top of the hill? That's Frances dancing. She did it for a good 10 minutes. We, the parents, were amused enough to take the picture, then we were ready to go home.
What about the trick-or-treating, you ask? That was a bit of a ruse. The trick-or-treating turned out to be walking around six card tables and picking up these healthy snacks. My sister
Jocelyn might have been pleased. Mark was not.
And that was the extent of Mark's candy haul for the year. When Halloween finally rolled around, Frances wasn't interested in going out, so Mark couldn't raid her candy. Poor Mark.