Food Truck Time!
Have I said this all before? During the "warm" months in Jamaica Plain, every Thursday night, two or three food trucks set up shop at a historic house and garden. It's wonderful. I don't have to make dinner. I get to have adult conversation with lots of friends. And the kids have playmates. A real sanity saver. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.
The gardens are really not so bad. Chandler is the orange bit in the back.
And here's Chandler being "loved on" by Frances and Darby.
Darby's family usually comes even when they have to take the bus to get there. Thank God.
And, now, perhaps my favorite pictures of the girls ever:
An ice cream truck was added to the mix this year - artisanal, small-batch, organic ice cream, of course. Not the cheapest, but who cares when it gives me the opportunity for these pictures?
And, yes, I've bought stock in sunscreen.
Oh, food trucks! Someday, when I'm a poet, I will compose an ode to you!